Spiced sweet potato cake & kaffia lime panna cotta

Spiced sweet potato cake, kaffia lime panna cotta, yuzu & lichee gel, ginger foam, cashew brittle, ‘sublime gold’ mango & corriander salsa

Raspberry Crème Brulée & St Germain Elderflower Liqueur macerated raspberry and cucumber


As we’re in France lets make a classic French dessert, or is it from Cambridge…hmm that’s for another day. This method doesn’t call for messing around with water baths, instead it’s just cooked low and slow in the oven. Continue reading

DIY Tilt Shift Lens project – part II

OK so I have finalized the lens now and made it much more practical (Part one here). I had to look around for a long while to find a suitable rubber part which would allow enough movement to tilt and shift while still being able to move “in and out” to focus. I settled on a universal steering boot, this was very flexible and around the perfect size for most lenses as the rubber can easily be cut at different points.

To make the lens easier to focus I had to cut the unnecessary part from the back of the lens, this part is just basically a metal tube. This meant the lens could be placed closer to the camera body making it easier to focus to infinity. Continue reading

DIY Tilt Shift Lens project

I am fascinated by tilt shift photography and for a while now I have been Photoshopping my photos to give them the miniature look and have got it down to just a couple of minutes.

I recently saw a DIY tilt shift lens somewhere and that was it, I was hooked and determined to build one myself! After hours of research, looking into what lens would be suitable I was slightly ‘frustrated’ with my progress and mainly with the price of the lenses which I knew would work. Continue reading